Product support

Urine analysis

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Advisory notices:
|04.09.2024| AN_2024_29 XL-200 PLUS_ SW_v2024.02
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|02.12.2020| Limited work operation in Erba Lachema
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Urine analysis Safety data sheets

Material safety data sheets for diagnostic production of PLIVA-Lachema Diagnostika s.r.o. was drawed up according to harmonized Czech laws with the European Directives 67/548/CEE and 99/45/CE.

Erba Lachema s.r.o. declare, that products not listed below, not considered such as dangerous products according the European Directives 67/548/CEE and 99/45/CE related to classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations and their adaptations. Considering the European Directive 2001/58/CE, the material safety data sheet for these products is not required.

From our events: | MEDICA 2018 | As always, Erba Mannheim took part in MEDICA fair...
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